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If you have $25,000 in debt you could...

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Freedom's Solution
Minimum Payments
Enterprise CFOS Disclosure
These estimates are not actual amounts or periods and are based on information you have provided, information from your credit report and/or information from third parties. Estimates are not for general use and are an approximation and not a guarantee. These are assumptions based on our prior experience and publicly available information on interest rates, charges and minimum payment requirements for consumer debt, such as, finance charges that accrue at rates ranging from 0% to 29.99% (22.77% for current credit cards and 29.99% for delinquent credit cards) and blending these rates with any other fixed term repayment and high interest loans you may have. Your actual rates, charges, fees and minimum payment requirements may be higher or lower. Actual estimates could also vary based on receipt of military benefits (SCRA and/or MLA).
Strategy Specific Disclosures Fixed Payment Strategy
These estimates assume that there are no additional charges, rebates, refunds, payments or reductions of your debt other than the monthly payment of the estimated current total minimum monthly payment. This payment strategy is based on publicly available information about your enrolled accounts and applies the minimum monthly payment as a fixed amount until the balance has been paid in full. This is a fixed monthly payment amount which may differ from the actual required minimum payments on your enrolled debts over time.
Minimum Payment Strategy
These estimates assume that there are no additional charges, rebates, refunds, payments or reductions of your debt other than the monthly payment of the estimated current and future total minimum monthly payment. This payment strategy is based on publicly available information about your enrolled accounts and applies the minimum monthly payments as a declining amount month over month as the principal balance is paid down.
These estimates assume that there are no additional charges, rebates, refunds, payments or reductions of your debt other than the monthly payment of the estimated current total minimum monthly payment. This payment strategy is based on publicly available information about your enrolled accounts and applies any remaining funds after the monthly minimum payments have been made towards paying down the smallest debts first before paying down the larger debts.
These estimates assume that there are no additional charges, rebates, refunds, payments or reductions of your debt other than the monthly payment of the estimated current total minimum monthly payment. This payment strategy is based on publicly available information about your enrolled accounts and applies to any remaining funds after monthly minimum payments have been made towards paying down the debts with the highest interest rates first to resolve them before paying down the debts with lower interest rates.
Claim specific disclosures (not limited to these claims)
  1. When a minimum payment is estimated: Estimated current total minimum monthly payment is the total payment due to your creditors each month.
  2. When a time to pay off debt is estimated: Time to pay down your debts is the total estimated number of months it would take for you to pay your debts in full if you pay the estimated current total minimum monthly payment due to your creditors each month.
  3. When a total amount (principal, interest and fees) is estimated: Total estimated amount you will pay in principal, interest and fees over time if you pay only the estimated current total minimum monthly payment due to your creditors each month.

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